Secondly i have looked at our media piece and analysed it and wrote about how film follows the genre/conventions of the dance genre.
1:Text colour. At 0:05 we can see black and red text colours, this follows the conventions of the dance genre as the text colours tend to be either whites blacks or reds.
2:Text style and font. At 0:01 we can see a chalk style of text and a big font, this therefore implys that the film is urban and this therefore follows the conventions of the dance genre as most films are typically set in urban/suburban settings.
3:setting and location. At 1:40 we can see the stage which is used in the opening sequence to show the dance championship scene we included, this is conventional because big spacious areas, more specifically stages areans and dance studios are used to show the dance championship scenes.
4:clothing and costume. At 0:18 we can see david's characters costume, this follows the convention of the genre as most characters costumes tend to be cheap clothes that can be used to dance in very easily, specifically trainers tracksuits tshirts vests etc, which David is shown wearing.
5:title name. At 0:03 we can see the title name "Live2Dance" this is conventional to the dance genre as many films such as streetdance 3d tend to have a reference to dance in their name or numbers and appear to be an urban version of normal words.
6:colour adjustment (editing). At 0:15 we can see the colour for David's scene to be a black and weight coloured scene, this therefore follows the conventions of the scene as colour editing is used in many flashback scenes in the opening sequences however we also broke away from the conventions as we went black and white whereas most other dance films use a orangeish tinge colour for flashback scenes.
7:lighting. At 1:21 we can see dark lighting , this breaks the conventions of the dance genre as most films in the dance genre tend to have bright lighting and not dark lighting unless its a night time scene.
8:transitions. At 1:37 we can see a transistion , fade to white this breaks a convention of the dance genre as most dance films tend to avoid the use of transitions as they dont flow with the scenes very well , an exception to this in recent time could be streetdance 3d , which features alot of transistions.
9:genre. This film follows the conventions of the genre as at 0:06 we can see someone dancing with feet , this follows the conventions of the genre as scenes of people dancing are usually quite a major part to show a film is part of a genre/ especially a dance film.
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